April 22, 2015


What can separate us from the love of God? 
Absolutely nothing because the love of God is stronger than death itself. 
Nothing and no one can get in the way of the radical and irrational love that God so freely gives. 
But why do I feel so far off? Why do I feel away? 
Theoretically and hypothetically I can't be apart from God. 
But practically. Presently. I don't feel Him. 
I want to. Obviously. 
And I know that I will. I just don't right now and I'll keep trying still because I've had it before. 
I've been in a place where it's been so tangible. 
I've experienced it firsthand and it transformed me into a better man. 
I've experienced God. I've tasted His goodness. I know it's there. And I know He's there.
 Yet, I don't feel as though I am with Him. 
So Lord, whatever is hindering true relationship with you, I ask that you would remove it. 
Whatever it is. Whether it's practice or a sin. 
Cleanse me Jesus because I want to be in your love. 
Because I've experienced it before, I want more of you. 
God, create in me a pure heart. Wash over me. Holy Spirit come. Give me a fresh taste of your goodness. I want to see the train of your robe. 
God, in these moments I become extremely aware of my limitations. 
Maybe I am separating myself from you. So Jesus, bring me into yourself. 
I confess my sins to you. I have wronged you and caused pain to myself by separating me from you. 
I want to be in your presence again because it's the place that I belong. 
Hear my song. Hear my plea. Come Jesus. Come to me. I love you Lord.

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