March 30, 2015

Show me your ways

Unto thee will I cry, oh Lord my God. Be not far from me. 
Lest if thou be far from me I become like those that go down into the pit of Sheol. 
I don't want to go to that hole. 
I want to be where you are God. 
Wherever that is.
 I need to be with you. 
Lead me Lord to paths of righteousness. Lead to still waters. 
Jesus I long for your presence. I long for your goodness. 
Hear my prayers and let me know that you care for me and my situations and that you aren't far from me in my desperation. 
Lord I am lost. I am broken. I am confused without you. 
I search high and far. Near and low. 
God, where you are I will look.
 I want to do what I see the Father is doing. 
I want to go where I see the father going. You are the wind in my sails telling me where to go. 
I might not know where or how but I know that because you lead me I won't be left to my own defenses. 
You know my plight. You know my heart. You are leading me to my part in this world. 
You are guiding me to the places that you have drawn up and planned for me. 
You have my destiny. Jesus. Take my hand and show me where to go. 
Don't be far. Don't be distant. I need you to lead me. 
Wherever it might be. Take me. Use me. Don't leave me to my own devices. 
I'm lost. I need you God to show me your ways.

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