January 19, 2015

You'll never leave

God, you'd never leave me right? That's what you've said before but I want to hear it again. 
You'll never leave me. You have never left me. You have always been there for me. 
Even when I hadn't been there for you, you were pursuing me. 
Running after me. 
Loving me. 
Actively searching and yearning for relationship with me. 
Because you have called me your child. God, I don't get it. I've messed up so many times that I've lost count. I don't have this life figured out. I still have my doubts. I'm cynical. I'm confused. I'm skeptical. I'm lost. 
But God you have come and given me a new name. You have removed my shame. You have removed my guilt. You have made me a new creation. and you're not done yet. 
This life is but a foretaste of the life to come. And though it's just begun, I love it. I look forward to it. I look forward to that day when all things come to completion where I can see you face to face for who you really are, and you can really say to me that you love me. 
"Well done my good and faithful servant." 
Nothing but tears of joy will stream down my face because I am graced to be with my lord and savior who has chosen me to be in his presence.  
God, I'm undeserving. God, I'm unclean. But you look at my heart. You don't look at my start. You look at how I will finish. Keep me going, God. Keep me strong. You can keep me along. You can keep me running the race because without you I am unable to complete the tasks ahead of me. 
God. You are good you are so good. You are the best because you have defined what it even means to be good. I don't deserve you. I never will. 
But you came. You come. And you will come close to me

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